Does a home inspector test smoke detectors?

Thomas Kelsey| HouseMaster Denver North| January 2023| Home Inspections Denver, CO


Home inspectors must note the smoke detectors, but are not required to test them, according to the Standards of Practice of the two national home inspector associations, the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) and International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI)  Because we do not have oversight here in Colorado, Inspectors are not required to note the presence of this critical safety device.   

While the Standards of Practice set minimum standards, a home inspector may choose to exceed them and test the smoke alarms with the test button or artificial smoke, along with determining the age, and verifying that they are interconnected. A combo smoke/CO alarm must be found on each floor and in bedroom hallways here in Colorado.

At HouseMaster our practice includes testing a noting the required locations, testing a representative number of units, and judging if the units are in need of replacement if we think they are more than 10 years old.

These detectors are so common in our lives that we often forget about how important they are. 

Call and schedule your home inspection today!